The Custer Motorway Adventure Road, also known as the Yankee Fork Road, the former stage and freight wagon toll road used by mining supply trains running from Custer and Bonanza to deliver gold bullion to Challis, is now a scenic driving route that follows the historic path of the Custer Motorway, built in 1919 as a route between Challis and Stanley. The 25-mile route offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains, forests, and rivers. It meanders past historic mining towns and buildings, including the ghost town of Custer and the Yankee Fork Gold Dredge. For an authentic Idaho mining town experience, explore this stage and freight wagon toll road. The route is suitable for passenger cars but may be challenging for larger vehicles, and visitors should be aware of potential hazards such as narrow roads and steep drop-offs.
Accessed from Challis on US Highway 93 or from Sunbeam on Idaho State Highway 75.